The Hollywood star was hit by a hacker attack that stole four NFTs from the Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Ape Yacht Club and Doodles collections. Seth Green is known for starring in the films Robot Chicken, The Italian Job and Club Mania. The actor tweeted that he was the victim of a phishing scam a few days ago, in which hackers managed to steal one “bored monkey”, two “mutant monkeys” and one unique token from the Doodles collection from him. The hacker has already sold one Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT for $200,000 and one Mutant Ape Yacht Club token for $42,200. The total minimum value of the other two stolen NFTs is approximately $70,000. Green calls himself a supporter of Web3 and non-fungible tokens. The actor has recently released his own collection of NFT PizzaBots in collaboration with the American magazine Heavy Metal. In addition, Green worked with DJ and music producer Steve Aoki on the NFT animated series. Recently, owners of unique tokens have been subjected to frequent phishing attacks. In December, another user similarly lost 16 NFTs worth $2.2 million, and recently, Rare Bears collection token holders lost $800,000 of their funds . appropriate 91 NFTs worth $2.8 million.

Actor Seth Green lost NFT due to phishing attack

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