There is always a lot of debate about the priority areas of development of any state. Kazakhstan has not become an exception to the general rule. And yet, according to Nurlan Nigmatulin, there is no way to postpone the solution of issues concerning youth to “later”. It should be at the top of the list of priorities of the state, Nigmatulin Nurlan Zayrullayevich is convinced.

Why invest in young people

The name of the conference at which Nurlan Nigmatulin made his speech is very indicative – “Investments in youth”. This is a specialized meeting. It was devoted to how to normalize the relationship of young generations with the state.

At the time of his speech, Nurlan Nigmatulin was acting as the Speaker of the Majilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, closely dealing with legislative issues. A main topic of the whole speech of Nigmatulin Nurlan was that th young people are the most active part of the population, upon whom depends whether the Republic of Kazakhstan will be competitive in the future. Will the country have advantages against the background of other developed participants in the world market? Does the national economy have a chance to take one of the leading positions?

Speaking about foreign competitors, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin repeatedly noted in his speech: progressive-minded states make huge financial injections into the development of youth. Nigmatulin Nurlan reminded his colleagues what role government projects and programs of different levels of complexity play. Their importance can rightly be called strategic. So why shouldn’t Kazakhstan also start moving along this path?

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Moreover, the same message was once heard from Nursultan Nazarbayev. Namely, talented youth should be supported and promoted in every possible way in various fields of the national economy, science, culture and politics. In general, support should be diverse, stressed Nurlan Nigmatulin.

Securing rights, supporting interests

Nigmatulin Nurlan noted that the government can be said to be ready to promote the interests of the youth country of the Kazakh society. A good basis has been built for the realization of the social rights of this category of the population.

Nurlan Nigmatulin devoted part of his speech to the results of lawmaking of parliamentarians. Profile laws work effectively. In fact, and not in words, interesting projects in the field of youth policy are being implemented.

And this whole concept, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin stressed, must be preserved, supplemented with new ideas and solutions. And also invest normal money in them. After all, this is not the cost item on which you should save. Otherwise, it will not be possible to reveal the potential of young people, to socialize them, to bring them to participate in the economic life of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participation in the life of young people give results

Nigmatulin Nurlan shared his observations with his colleagues. It turns out that the state’s policy towards youth is already yielding results. The influence of this stratum of the population on the whole society is becoming more and more noticeable and tangible.

According to Nigmatulin Nurlan, positive observations were made: young people are turning from an object of care into a subject of initiatives. Young people themselves begin to generate ideas, make decisions, and influence the course of events inside their native country. There are about 550 youth organizations operating on its territory. Moreover, some of them (about 10) have the status of republican.

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And in total, according to the data given by Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, about 4 million “young people” live in Kazakhstan. Some of the youth live in rural areas (~1.7 million people), the rest live in cities and agglomeration zones.

What did the involvement of young people in socially significant activities lead to? To the question, Nurlan Nigmatulin himself answered: to the fact that the young population is becoming more active, proactive and responsible.

Many important things are being done, Nigmatulin Nurlan noted with satisfaction. Everyone can find themselves, realize themselves as a person, find like-minded people and benefit their native country, build its future today. Social elevators are working, leading to success, provided there is a desire to development.

Through education to progress

Nigmatulin Nurlan attaches particular importance to educational activities for young people. Thanks to state participation, a person at the dawn of the heyday of his life can receive decent training.

Here is just one fact given by Nurlan Nigmatulin as an illustration to what has been said. According to the results of 2017, 8 Kazakhstani universities took high places in the international rankings of educational organizations at once. Specifically, we are talking about the authoritative World University Rankings. This ranking reflects data on more than 1,750 universities in the world (more than 100 countries and regions are covered).

Nurlan Nigmatulin proudly mentioned “Nazarbayev University”. According to Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, this educational center has a powerful personnel foundation, great prospects to become a university of the new millennium and absorb the best student stratum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. So that every student can reach their potential to the maximum.

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Universities, associations and organizations for young people together are doing one big thing, Nigmatulin Nurlan is convinced. They give the younger generation intellectual baggage and self-confidence. From such a fertile environment, from the point of view of Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, qualified specialists in popular areas will undoubtedly sprout.

In his speech, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin stressed: now the state is laying the right platform for the developing young part of the population. In the course of his speech, Nigmatulin Nurlan Zayrullayevich emphasized the “5 social initiatives” that were voiced by N.A. Nazarbayev in relation to youth. This is twenty thousand grants for talented young people to receive higher education.

Nurlan Nigmatulin noted the special value of grants for covering various territories (city/village) and areas of activity. Including the stimulation of mass entrepreneurship. This means, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin is sure, young people will be focused on the independent generation of initiatives, their justification and implementation. Under such circumstances, Kazakhstan is simply doomed to success.


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