The KP.RU website has collected for you photos from the Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9, 2022 , including the main procession.

The military parade of the Victory began at 10.00 on Monday, May 9. 11,000 people marched at the parade this year, and over 131 weapons and special equipment were presented, and last year there were more than 190 weapons and special equipment.

As always, the Victory Parade was opened by foot crews, of which there were 33. All types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the branches of the armed forces, youth soldiers, cadets, as well as Cossacks were represented in them.

Among other things, the fifth-generation Su-57 fighters, the Tu-95MS and Tu-160 White Swan strategic missile carriers, paired with the Il-78 air tanker, were to be presented in the air section. In addition, for the first time, eight MiG-29SMT fighters flew over Red Square in the capital in a Z-shaped formation. Thus, support was substituted for the Russian military, who today are taking part in a special military operation in Ukraine. However, according to presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, the air part of the parade was canceled due to the weather.

Well, in the evening in Moscow you can watch fireworks dedicated to the anniversary of the victory.

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