People will continue to be evacuated from Mariupol / photo
People will continue to be evacuated from Mariupol / photo

As part of the humanitarian operation, it is also planned to evacuate people from Tokmak and Vasilyevka.

An evacuation from Mariupol is scheduled for May 4 .

 Irina Vereshchuk, Vice Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine , announced this in Telegram .play video

“The Mariupol humanitarian operation continues. If the security situation allows, on Wednesday, May 4, we plan to evacuate to Zaporozhye from the following points: 1. Mariupol (near the Port City shopping center) – 08:00,” Vereshchuk said.

Also planned, according to her, evacuation from the Lunacharsky ring (near Berdyansk) – 10:00, from Tokmak – 15:00 and Vasilievka – 16:00.

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